Tuesday, 7 October 2008

In Two Minds

Blogsville, a lot has been happening to me but I was shying away from discussing this on the web but now I think am about to go bonkers. A year plus ago I started to date a guy called E, we dated for about 13 months and out of those 13 months it was obviously sweeter and better in the beginning, around july last year, he rented a place because initially he was living with his cousin and girlfriend who later became his wife and so he moved and when he was moving, obviously I helped and assisted.

The saga then started because once he started to live alone, his freedom started and due to the fact that he lived in the north of England, I could only see him at the weekends. Then he started to two-time, three-time, quarter-time and what not but I had no concrete proof. His birthday last year was when I knew, he loves to flirt so I read no meaning to many of his phone calls but last year I knew because he left his phone at home and was so sure I was not going to go through the phone. I have come to realise that for me to have a longer life, I ignore going through a bloke’s phone because whilst am there drowning away in my misery the man would be there snoring away and he knew that but when I went through the phone and the voicemail I realise that ole boy was a proper player o. He had told the other chicks that he was going away to Dublin to see his brother that had a baby and he called the babes from the so called Dublin with private no and he had said he would spend his birthday night with her. So me I jejely put the phone back where I saw it, pretended like nothing had happened and was waiting to see how he was going to perform that trick.

Anyways to cut a long story short he was going to drop me off at home at that time, me I kunkun refused o, he was so angry but we ended up in his uncle’s house instead so that was the saga for a while o, we now started to fight non stop. He came to see my parents who did not like him, apparently they had gone to pray and they said he was not the one.

Anyways we broke up this year o around January time, he called me around my birthday time to give me gift which I stupidly collected and since then bobo has been chasing me he wants me back, his parents called non stop from 9ja saying they have gone to pray and that we are good together. I have changed my phone number, he calls me at work, turned up unexpectedly in my church and work, I have stopped going to that church, it has been more than 6months and he refused to give up. I told him I was pregnant for someone else, he said he will take the baby and raise it as his own. I don’t want to call the police but I am now so confused, his family members called me to beg on his behalf even as far as swearing on their children’s life that once we pray together whatever the problem is would go. I myself fasted and prayed and knew that he was not the will for my life.

Can anybody help me on what to do? I don’t want to get the police involved, yesterday he still called me and begged me that he would love me forever told him I am seeing somebody else, he said he would wait for me and if it does not work out with that person would I date him back. I said tohim he must be mad. Which kind hot yeye love this one be, love that was uncaring before now became hot love.
